March 13, 2023

The Benefits of NetSuite eCommerce for Small And Medium-Sized Businesses

If you’re a small or medium-sized business looking to scale up your eCommerce operations, then NetSuite for eCommerce could be the perfect platform for you.

NetSuite is an enterprise resource planning (ERP) solution tailored to the needs of fast-growing businesses. It is highly secure and reliable, with a user-friendly interface and a range of features for businesses of all sizes. It integrates with popular payment gateways and marketplaces, and provides real-time analytics to help you make data-driven decisions.

NetSuite for eCommerce also includes potential cost savings with its built-in multi-currency capabilities, allowing merchants to offer their products internationally at lower costs than ever before. Additionally, it can help streamline the order fulfillment process, so that orders can be shipped out quickly and efficiently.

In this blog post, we’ll explore the benefits of NetSuite eCommerce for small and medium-sized businesses. We’ll look at features such as scalability, cost savings, integrations and more.

How NetSuite eCommerce Can Help Small and Medium-Sized Businesses

If you're a small or medium-sized business (SMB) owner, you know that it can be challenging to compete in the eCommerce space. From website design, to inventory management and order fulfillment, there are numerous factors that can slow your growth and success. Fortunately, NetSuite's eCommerce platform can help.

NetSuite's eCommerce platform offers SMB owners the tools they need to compete in the eCommerce space and succeed. With advanced features such as real-time analytics, order tracking and inventory control, customers gain more insight into their business operations and performance. Furthermore, by providing an integrated view of customer data across all their channels, SMBs can gain valuable insights into customer needs and preferences.

NetSuite also helps SMBs manage their finances with accurate accounting features, so they always know where their money is going. By providing immediate access to key financial information in real time, SMBs have the ability to make informed decisions that are sure to help grow their businesses.

Ultimately, NetSuite's eCommerce platform helps SMBs streamline operations and increase efficiency while reducing costs, ensuring that they have a fighting chance in the competitive world of online retailing.

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Enhancing the Customer Experience With an Ecommerce Webstore

Your customers expect a fast and smooth shopping experience. With NetSuite eCommerce, you can provide this by creating a customized webstore that offers features such as product reviews, pricing rules, promotions and discounts. You can also create product bundles that simplify the shopping process even further.

Beyond this, customers will benefit from one-click checkout, with payment options that are secure and easy to use. Additionally, they can track orders in real-time and be kept up-to-date on any order statuses so that they stay informed throughout the buying process.

NetSuite also allows you to better target online customers through marketing campaigns using customer segmentation data, for maximum impact. With personalized messages sent at appropriate times, you can turn one-time purchases into repeat customers in no time!

Embracing Omnichannel Strategies With NetSuite eCommerce

NetSuite Omnichannel eCommerce helps you develop successful omnichannel shopping strategies by giving you the tools to manage your commerce across multiple channels. With one unified system, you can easily manage your different channels—online, mobile, retail stores, sales reps and kiosks—all from one dashboard.

Using NetSuite eCommerce, you can:

  • Unify your inventory across all channels
  • Create targeted online promotions and discounts
  • Develop location-specific pricing for retailers
  • Support multiple currencies to accommodate international customers
  • Connect with customers regardless of their channel or device
  • Capture valuable customer data so that it is easily accessible for analysis and future decisions.

This comprehensive suite of omnichannel ecommerce software solutions eliminates any need for manual data entry or duplicate systems, allowing you to streamline processes and take advantage of more efficient operations. It's no wonder that NetSuite customers report a 50% reduction in time spent managing disparate systems after transitioning to the platform.

NetSuite customer reports

Automate Your Ecommerce Business With NetSuite ERP Solutions

The NetSuite Solution for eCommerce is designed to empower small and medium sized businesses, and start-ups with the business automation tools they need to succeed in the digital world. With its powerful ERP capabilities, NetSuite eCommerce allows businesses to streamline their operations while saving time and money.

NetSuite offers a range of automated features that can help small businesses better manage their operational processes.

For example, with automated inventory tracking and order management processes, business owners can keep track of stock levels, manage customers orders more accurately, and deliver better customer service overall. Additionally, NetSuite allows for seamless integration with online shopping carts, social media platforms, and web analytics tools to make the entire eCommerce process easier for the business owner.

For busy professionals who want to keep on top of their business operations without having to juggle multiple tasks at once, NetSuite ERP solutions provide tools such as:

  • Automated customer relationship management (CRM) capabilities
  • Real-time visibility into financial transactions
  • Automated reporting capabilities
  • Streamlined order-fulfillment process

By leveraging NetSuite's ERP automation tools, growing businesses can take advantage of real-time data insights to make well-informed decisions quickly. The integrated system also allows businesses to scale up quickly without having to invest in costly IT infrastructure or hire additional staff. All of which makes NetSuite an attractive option for eCommerce businesses looking to maximize efficiency and profits.

Streamlining Inventory Control with NetSuite for eCommerce

Do you need to upgrade your inventory controls? NetSuite eCommerce is the perfect solution.

NetSuite Start Up Edition allows SMBs to manage their inventory in real-time, streamlining processes and saving crucial time and resources.

Some of the benefits of using the NetSuite eCommerce Edition for inventory control include:

  • Automated replenishment alerts – receive notifications when stock is running low and easily adjust supply levels accordingly.
  • Automated orders – automate your order process based on customer preferences, streamlining workflow.
  • Real-time inventory visibility – quickly see what products are in stock in any given store or warehouse from one central platform.
  • Customized accuracy levels –control how accurate you want your inventory to be, from complete accuracy to simple estimates for faster data processing.
  • Multi-location tracking abilities –track stock across multiple storage locations for accurate forecasting of demand and supply chain efficiency.

The advantages of having control over inventory with NetSuite makes it a no-brainer for SMBs looking to gain a competitive edge.

Improving Customer Experience with NetSuite eCommerce Edition

NetSuite eCommerce helps businesses meet the customer demands of today quickly and cost-effectively. With its comprehensive suite of tools and user-friendly platform, it makes it easy to deliver a great online shopping experience.

Here are just some of the ways NetSuite eCommerce Edition can help online and offline retailers to improve their customer experience:

  1. Intuitive Shopping Experience: Allow customers to easily find the products they want with its powerful search engine, product filters, and product recommendations features. Customers can also use its advanced personalization features to tailor their shopping experience.
  2. Automated Backend Operations: Streamline backend operations by providing automated order fulfillment, inventory management, and customer service processes. This will help businesses save time and money on manual tasks, allowing them to focus on delivering excellent customer service.
  3. Improved Security: Get access to enhanced security protocols such as data encryption, two-factor authentication, and secure payment processing that helps protect customer information from malicious actors.

With these advanced features, businesses can ensure their customers enjoy an easy and secure shopping journey every time they visit their website or purchase products online.

Integrating NetSuite with Your Existing eCommerce Platform like Shopify, Magento, Big Commerce or WooCommerce

CEBA Solutions provide seamless integrations with a number of existing eCommerce platforms, making it easy to transfer your data and start using the platform quickly. Not only that, but NetSuite's platform integrates with the most popular marketing and sales platforms, including Shopify, Magento, BigCommerce, and WooCommerce.

Integrating NetSuite with your existing eCommerce platform gives you access to:

  • Easy product setup and real-time synchronization of product information
  • Built-in SEO tools for optimizing page titles, URLs, meta tags and descriptions
  • Inventory management for ensuring products are always in stock and ready to ship
  • Automated order processing with inbuilt shipping carriers like UPS and FedEx
  • Support for multiple payment methods
  • Detailed analytics for understanding customer behavior and optimizing sales outcomes

By leveraging the powerful combination of NetSuite's integrated eCommerce platform and your existing eCommerce provider, you can drive customer acquisition while easily managing the back end of operations.

NetSuite Pricing for eCommerce Edition

NetSuite eCommerce Edition is a cost-effective and easy-to-use solution for businesses of all sizes. Whether you're just starting out or already have a successful operation, NetSuite can offer you the features you need at a fraction of the cost of other eCommerce solutions.

NetSuite eCommerce Benefits for Small & Medium Sized Businesses

NetSuite also offers discounts for higher volume plans and can scale with your business as you grow and by using NetSuite’s SuiteSuccess subscription model, your store is up and running quickly. So whether you’re a small retailer looking to get started or an established enterprise looking to expand, NetSuite has an option that fits your budget.

Implementation Process for NetSuite eCommerce Edition

The implementation process for NetSuite eCommerce Edition is designed to be easy and retain a straightforward flow. CEBA Solutions' team of professionals will assess the existing set up of your eCommerce store, identify points for integration with NetSuite, and start the implementation process.

Once your NetSuite instance is configured and live, connectors will be created to streamline your systems and allow for data exchange with other solutions that you use such as Amazon, eBay, Shopify Marketplace or any other eCommerce platform. To ensure everything works as expected and errors are eliminated, all connectors will be rigorously tested before going live.

With the right implementation process in place and the support of CEBA Solutions' team of experts, you can transition seamlessly with minimal disruption.


Investing in a NetSuite eCommerce solution is essential for businesses to gain a competitive edge. By leveraging the leading-edge features of the platform, such as optimized websites, seamless order management and omnichannel customer experience, your business will be able to drive more sales, better customer service and improved customer satisfaction. With a comprehensive NetSuite eCommerce solution, you'll be one step closer to becoming an industry leader in the digital space.